Day... Hell, numbers are overrated

Hey hey! So ummm, yeah, we just finished up a jaunt through a wormhole that took us 4 quadrillion miles away, as well as 5 years into the future. Why? I don't know. But in the meantime, it's my understanding that while this trip only took us about an hour, 9 months or so on Earth have passed. What are the chances?

I'm also at a loss as to how I can still blog, and have it show up in 2010 back home, but I've been assured that is the case. But if I can do that, why can't I just post back to October 2009? Stupid perplexing universal laws.

So let's see, Xav just showed me something on the terminal that essentially caught me up on things back home. I'm not sure how it simultaneously records events on what basically amounts to 2 seperate planes of the 4th dimension. Actually, a more accurate statement would be that I'm not sure if any of the physics classes I took back home were worth a damn. Regardless, I've spent the past few minutes catching up. I saw earthquakes. I saw a pretty spectacular lookin' volcanic eruption in Iceland. Amazingly, I saw Spain win the World Cup. But even more disturbing than that, I saw that an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded, and that oil is still gushing into it to this day (I know this because Xav told me authorities were lying about it being contained). This saddens me a great deal. I don't think a few drops of oil in any body of water is a good thing, let alone hundreds of millions of gallons. Methinks that is a wound that won't be scarring itself anytime soon, and I'll be curious to follow future developments.

I can't help but wonder... am I 38 now? Did the 5 year jump fast forward my biological clock, as well as my calender? I'll have to check into that. In fact, I need to go check into that right now. So uhhh, sorry for the 9 month gap, but I promise there won't be another one like that. Unless we go through another wormhole, in which case I'll make sure to get advance warning. Ciao!

Day 13

3:32 am Central Daylight Time, didn't bother to check where we are..

Sorry again for the absence. It's really kind of unfortunate that I'm the one who's here, instead of someone better suited to keep a daily log. I've never kept a diary in my life. I've tried a few times, but I've always abandoned any attempts after a few days. I guess we'll all just have to make due. :)

That dream ripping technology is incredible! I've watched it probably a dozen times over the past few days. And while I was hesitant about it at first, the terminal text entry almost did it justice. I've actually had that dream many, many times. Albeit in different variations, but the end result was always the same, and that was the vortex. That's about the only detail I ever remembered, so being able to go over them again is actually quite handy. For starters, I didn't ever remember details such as the terminal, or companies such as OmiTech. As it so happens, OmiTech is real! After I had noticed that, I gave Xav a buzz, and he came over and watched it with me. He was quite taken aback to say the least. I told him that I'd had that dream dozens, maybe even hundreds of times since I was a kid. His first impression of it, is that I was witnessing the events of Dies Bellum Subito. I don't think it would take a rocket scientist to think he may be right.

But that doesn't solve anything. The Omicrons have witnessed a vortex or two in their day, but have never seen, or heard of, a moving planet. Not only that, but if the planet was indeed taking a leisurely stroll to it's doom, why is it in the same location now, that it was in 2 and a half billion years ago? I left my Hardy Boys detective kit back on Earth, so I'll let the experts handle this one. I've heard a bit of speculation already, but since my physics knowledge is just a tad short of quantum level, I won't be rendering my own judgement anytime soon.

On a minor side note, I finally got to see more of the ship yesterday. Since I'd been so infatuated with everything else so far, I hadn't bothered to find out that there is a habitat level. So I went up there with Xav, and the habitat's caretaker, a very cool (and quite cute) woman named Celeste. As we were going up the lift, Celeste told me to prepare myself for some things that I wouldn't be expecting to see. After a couple of weeks of this, I already considered myself an old hand at this, so I thought nothing of it. The lift doors opened, and I still almost soiled myself. At the very least, I turned pale. Celeste giggled, and that actually helped me catch my wits. If she was laughing, I doubt I had much to fear. We stepped off of the lift, and out onto another stunning landscape. Whereas my "home" level was very earth-like; a seaside village complete with ocean, the habitat level resembled something completely different. For the first time, I was looking at a completely alien landscape. It was stunningly beautiful, just.... kind of freaky. The ankle-high grass was purple. Thousands of varieties of plants and flowers, none of which I had ever seen, peppered the landscape. The foothills and mountains off in the distance had an orangish hue to them. And the sun in the sky was dark blue, and it seemed to give off a fraction of the daylight that you and I would be used to. It also warped and mutated the thousands of different colors I was seeing into even stranger shades. It was sort of like being inside of a black light painting... if Dali and Picasso had ever teamed up to do a black light painting. I asked Xav if he had slipped something into my drink downstairs. They both laughed again, and told me I had to get out more.

Unfortunately, it was just a quick peek, as Celeste was just about to start her shift. But she invited me to go up there again today. In a few minutes, actually. So I think I'll take her up on that. I assume there's more up there than strange flora and fauna, and I'm anxious to see if I'm right. Talk at you guys soon!

Authorized dream rip

Hello. I am the A.I. representation of node 26-738 of the Omicron terminal network. I am directly communicating with Earthnet with permission from the writer of this log. He has authorized me to transmit his more interesting dreams here in written format, with "interesting" being defined by certain parameters set forth by the user. I am more accustomed to transmitting this information visually. I was unable to achieve this, as it seems that any form of visual data I send is incompatible with this system. However, I am also capable of encrypting brainwaves, and decrypting them into text form. The end result is very similar to what you would call a novel. Since this is the first time the aforementioned parameters have been met, I am required to submit this information.

What a beautiful day, the man thought to himself. The sky was cloudless. A gentle breeze rippled through the nearby grass, and tickled the tops of the cherry blossom trees lining the promenade. The temperature was perfect, not hot, and not cold. A rather large family of ducks swam around a nearby pond, stopping only to feed on the morsels tossed into the water by a rather small group of people. Children played, and parents shouted out their usual cautions. Seems like he wasn't the only one enjoying this unusually perfect day. The man continued to walk up the street like he had almost everyday for 10 years. He was cheerful, with the only occasional distractions coming from the traffic above him. Up ahead was the breathtaking skyline of downtown Novum. 100 square miles of buildings looking like they were trying to reach the stratosphere. The buildings covered with glass harshly reflected the sunlight, while the very same light made the buildings made of titanium almost sparkle. The man could see some scattered pockets of traffic congestion about 500 feet up. He smiled, and thought to himself that this is exactly why he didn't drive to work.

The man stopped as he reached the border street between downtown and the residential district. "Why am I the one who's always waiting." he thought to himself. He waited for a few moments. As he did, he watched as a few other walkers strolled across the street, and into the molecular corridor. He heard one of them mumble "Dyne Complex, 479th floor," and after the usual flash, he was gone. After watching this repeatedly for about 5 minutes, the man started to get antsy. "Where the hell is she?" About 30 seconds later, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Hey! 'Hope I kept you hanging for awhile."

The man turned around and smiled. "You keep me hanging everyday, why should today be any different? At least it's nice out."

"I don't think it's my lateness that's the problem. I think it's your earlyness."

The man chuckled. "Fair enough. I'll tell you what isn't fair though, and that's having to work on a day like this. I don't think I've ever seen the sky like it is now. Zero clouds, and call me crazy, but that's a totally different shade of blue than I'm used to seeing."

The woman looked up. "Wow! I hadn't noticed, but you're right!"

The sky seemed darker than usual. Whereas it usually takes on the hue of ocean water, today, it was a few shades darker than that. It wasn't noticeable unless you actually looked up at it though, as the sunshine was as brilliant as ever.

"So what do you say, Rosa? Sick day?"

Rosa pulled out a small handheld device and uttered a couple of commands to it.

"Already done!"

The man pulled the same type of device out and followed suit.

"So what did you have in mind, Ranier?"

Ranier looked at Rosa. They had been co-workers and friends since his first day at OmiTech. Their friendship had grown over the years, and they both knew there was something more there. They had just never mentioned it verbally out of respect. Ranier thought that this would be the day, and Rosa mentally caught wind of it.

"Let's go to the park."

They backtracked in the direction that Ranier had come from.

Rosa asked, "Did you hear that kook on the terminal yesterday, talking about something really bad happening within the next couple of years?"

Ranier nodded. "Just bits and pieces. I don't usually pay attention to stuff like that. I remember something about increased levels of Phason." He laughed. "I don't even know what that is."

"Nobody does, including the terminal. I looked it up everywhere. And, nothing."

"Yeah, and that's why I don't pay attention to whackjobs like that. I mean, wherever he was, he was alone. If someone had been there with him, they would've confirmed that he was full of it."

"I guess so," Rosa said.

They continued walking until they reached the park. Not talking, just enjoying the pleasant reciprocating vibes between them. Ranier spotted a bench near the massive garden. It was close to the daffodil patch, and he knew they were Rosa's favorite. He led them to the bench, and they both sat down.

"Rosa, we both know we probably should've done this 5 years ago. You know how I feel, and I know...."

He saw Rosa's face turn pale, and felt a sudden panic in her. She was looking up. He looked up too. As darkened as the shade of the sky had seemed today, it was quickly becoming darker. Over the course of about 45 seconds, it was as if they were watching a sunset, until the night sky prevailed. Only it was early afternoon. The sky was still cloudless. Despite the illumination of downtown, the stars stood out brilliantly. Both were too dumbfounded to say anything, but they could both sense the fear in the other.

Out of nowhere, a series of explosions concussed the air. They both looked around, and every vehicle they could see in the sky was dropping like a lead weight. Every artificial light they could see a couple seconds ago was now extinguished. The first instinct was to run, but there was nothing above them. They looked at the sky again, as both noticed that the stars had started to move. They could hear screams coming from everywhere, and the smell of smoke started to spread. The stars continued to move, faster and faster, until they appeared as a blur. Optical illusion. It wasn't the stars moving. It was the planet itself.

Rosa was crying. "What is this?" was all she could muster.

Ranier didn't have any words, but he pulled her close into a hug, as if that were any comfort. For what seemed like hours, they continued to hurl through space. In reality, it was only a couple of minutes. A particularly bright silver light started to grow larger and larger. As they grew closer to it, it appeared to be swirling around itself. It was a vortex. It was in the center of view, getting larger and larger, and it was obvious that the planet was heading straight for it. A faint silvery glow enveloped everything on the ground, and grew more vibrant as the vortex grew in size. Soon afterwards, it dominated the sky.

Ranier's heart was beating faster than it ever had, and he could feel that Rosa's was as well. He kissed her and said that everything would be alright. He just didn't know what else to do. The planet was still racing toward that vortex. The silver glow became so brilliant that it was literally blinding. They both had to close their eyes tightly.

"Rosa, I love..."

End Transmission

Day 7

4:28am Central Daylight Time, somewhere in the Sigma Vox system

Sorry for being AWOL, folks. My head's back in the game for the most part, but I guess a nasty neutron storm prohibited most forms of outgoing terminal transmissions. I watched this storm for awhile yesterday, and it certainly did look nasty. Space basically resembled a massive inferno. For a brief moment, I wondered if these people were bringing me to hell. I have no idea how we weren't wiped out by this, but Xavier tells me that they're just minor nuisances. Guess I'll have to take his word for it.

I spent a lot of time on the observation deck the day before as well, and I simply can't put it's...well, awesomeness, into words! We walked back to the disappearing door, and of course, it reappeared as we approached it. When it opened, I almost fell on my ass! The door appeared to open directly into space. But if you remember, the entire hull of the ship is completely transparent. Even so, I was hesitant as I stepped out, but that's just something I'll have to get used to. I looked around, and in all directions, except for behind me of course, all I could see was space. Stars of various sizes and shades sprinkled around, abstract splashes of different colors, and most of all, a whole lot of black. I was literally stupefied on the spot, with my mouth hanging open. After a moment of gawking, Xavier kindly told me I was drooling, and I snapped out of my trance. He walked further out, about 10 feet, and as he approached it, the vicinity of the hull he was walking toward started to faintly glow. Must be a proximity safeguard. Xavier placed a hand on the hull, and said "magnify." Everything out there, all around us, started to zoom in rapidly. I lost my equilibrium, and this time I actually did fall on my ass! Xavier laughed, and said that I'd also get used to that. I decided to stay sitting down for awhile. In fact, I had actually backed up so that I was sitting up against the ship. Just knowing there was something there supporting me helped a bit. And I'm glad I did, because the crazy stuff was about to start up again.

Xavier asked me what I wanted to see. Naturally, my first reaction was "home." He placed his hand on the hull again, and said "Omicron Epsilon III, zoom level alpha." So now, not only did everything start to zoom in again, but everything was spinning. After a moment, Earth came into view, as if we were in it's orbit. Absolutely amazing. I saw the pacific ocean, and the west coasts of the US, Mexico, and South America. It looked like there was a hurricane not far off the coast of Mexico. Hope you guys didn't get hit too hard. I just sat there and stared for a awhile. Tried to notice the clouds moving, checking to see if I could catch the hint of a lightning strike from the hurricane. I wasn't sure if I was feeling homesick, since it hadn't been that long since I'd left. But it did feel strange looking at it, knowing how far away from it we actually were. After about half an hour, I was ready to go back in, so we did. I still felt like being alone, so I politely told Xavier, and walked back to my quarters. It feels funny calling a seaside villa "quarters," but, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I guess it's something I'll have to get used to.

After getting back, I decided to finally check out some of the basics of Omicron history. Man, where to start.. First of all, these people have been around for 15 septillion years! In case you're sitting there thinking your eyesight is going bad, it's not. I said septillion. If you're better with numbers than with words, that's 15,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years. I'm almost going retarded here trying to comprehend that. And how did they come to be? Simple! They were the product of a science project. A person (thing?) by the name of Maximilian (that's the Omicrons name for him), who is a Comes Comitas (a race that the Omicrons are allied with to this day. they sort of resemble upright panda bears), basically whipped them up with a chemistry set, and won the equivalent of a galactic science fair. Sounds perfectly reasonable, huh?

I probably don't have to tell you that I haven't had the time to go over 15 septillion years of history yet. In fact, I didn't really get much farther than that. In order to prevent myself from going insane, I've decided to take everything in small doses. So after that, it was back to my home away from home within a home, and I took a good, long dip in the sea. After awhile, I had an idea, and it ended up working. I summoned a terminal, and queued me up a boat! And not just any boat, it was a freakin' small yacht! I remember grinning from ear to ear as I pulled myself up onto the deck. So, since then, I've just been sailing and fishing. Just returned about an hour ago. It was needed, and I feel a lot better. I should probably give Xav a buzz and see if anything's new, so I'm gonna sign off for now. Barring any new hellish firestorms, I'm sure I'll be back with an entry tomorrow.

Day 4

9:00 pm Central Daylight Time, wherever the hell we happen to be..

I don't know how I'm supposed to adjust to this new life, when some parts of my old one will probably never go away.

I guess it's time to start spilling the beans on some personal stuff. It's never been my thing, but I figure knowing somebody might make their seemingly outrageous stories a bit easier to digest, perhaps even believable. Not only that, but I guess I'm hoping it'll be some form of self therapy. As I just mentioned, I'm not one to share things. Not only that, I probably have the best poker face you'll ever see. No matter what negative emotion I'm feeling, I very rarely ever show it. Anything traumatic that's ever happened to me, I've just kept it bottled up over the years.

I've been completely distracted since last night. I woke up from a dream that I didn't want to end. I know that probably sounds silly, given my current situation, but I would trade all of this in a heartbeat for just one more day with Lily. Lily, my sweet, beautiful angel. No words I can say could ever do her justice, so I'm not certain I should even try. Back when this all started, I called myself a widower, and I guess that's partially misleading. We weren't married. We never had the chance. Less than two weeks before the wedding, she lost her life in a car accident. Taken from me forever, just like that, by a fucking drunk driver who ended up receiving a slap on the wrist and a stern talking to. I've always been a pretty forgiving person, but I don't think it'll ever happen in this case. I just can't. If hell existed, I would want him to burn. Not only that, I would want to be the one bringing about his eternal torment. Call it vengeful, call it heartless, call it what you will. But until you have your heart shattered in this manner, and you have the one person who means more to you than anything ever will taken away from you in this manner, I don't think anyone has the right to judge me.

This all happened several years ago. Sometimes I'm convinced that I've moved on, and that everything will be alright. But then things like last night's dream happen, and it all comes flooding back. Every emotion. After I lost her, I lost almost everything inside of me. I was completely empty. I don't think I ate for weeks. I didn't talk for weeks. I just simply wasn't there. My body was basically a vessel without a pilot. But all the while, my mind was screaming in sheer anguish. I've been through some bad times in my day, but nothing will ever even come close to holding a candle to that. That's the first thing I relive after dreaming about her. That gradually segueways into the happier memories of when we were together. Just little things. She spoke english well, but since Spanish was her native tongue, she would sometimes pronounce things a little different. She had a fondness for a candy called Whoppers, which are little chocolate covered malted milk balls. But she pronounced it "Wooopers," and I'd start a little playful argument about it. Just thinking about it now is making me smile. Little things that most people find trivial, aren't. I know that's kind of cliche, but it's absolutely true. Sometimes, the fondest memories are of the smaller things. She made it hard to sleep at night, because we could be doing something instead of sleeping. It seemed like a waste. And waking up in the morning was easy, because I knew the first thing I would do is see her. I don't give a crap if any of this sounds corny, I'm just telling it like it is. Or was..

And then, unavoidably, the void comes creeping back, and it stays with me for awhile. It's not like it was in the weeks after losing her, but it's still extremely painful. And it's crippling enough to make nothing else matter to me. I had to make a real effort to remember where I was, and what I was doing a couple of times today. I just don't care at the moment. And I feel like I'm leaving her behind. I don't know why, but it's certainly not helping me.

So, no FAQ as promised today. My head just isn't in the game. Might not be tomorrow either, guess I'll have to wait and see.

Day 3

3:30 pm Central Daylight Time, still in the Alpha Centauri system. Must be pretty big, relatively speaking.

Today, it was my turn to "brief" Xavier. And by briefing, I mean tell him practically everything I know about human history. I'm sure I missed a couple of minor details here and there along the way, but that's alright. "Tempus terminal," the main terminal of the ship, automatically uploaded every last bit of data (no matter the security level in place to protect it) from every 'net connected computer on it's approach to Earth. Don't worry, I don't think they're very interested in reading your last IM conversation. Rather, the top priority is to obtain and ascertain our history and culture. But now that I think about it, getting a grasp of our culture might involve reading some of your IM conversations ;-) I guess the secondary objectives at this point are to check out our evolutionary status, and to try to find out what triggered "Dies Bellum Subito," which is the name the Omicrons gave to the day where they lost any form of contact with us 2 billion years ago.

I looked this up on the terminal, and it's a really big deal with these guys. Like a national day of mourning, except national doesn't quite cover the scope of the thing. The Omicrons joined their minds together, every last one of them. And all they would do on this day is try to penetrate the veil separating them from the Epsilon system. And nothing else.

I guess something I need to point out here, is that these people love us. The love of a parent, a sibling, or any other particularly close relative, that's the feeling I've gotten from every Omicron I've encountered, so I'm guessing that's universal with these guys. They lost a part of themselves when they lost us, but like any eternal optimists, they refused to give up hope. I guess it paid off.

So anyways, I laid everything out that I could think of, as Xavier looked over data on his terminal. And for the first time, I sensed a great deal of sadness in him, after I mentioned war. He asked me about it, and I did my best to explain things. What they are, what causes them, etc. He asked, "And there's been more than one of these?" Turns out, the Omicrons have never fought amongst themselves. Not once. Violence, hatred, murder.... these are terms that simply do not exist in their lexicon. I've done quite a bit of terminal digging myself, and it turns out that they have been in what we would consider wars. But in each case I looked up, they were all cases of self defense. They simply didn't have a choice. Defend themselves or face extinction. And in each case, they were deeply saddened and shamed by what they had to do. No pride, pleasure, or profit was derived from it. I only went over this stuff briefly, and I'll have to study it more in detail later, as I'm quite curious to see who these "wars" were against.

All in all, I think there was a lot of stuff that Xavier looked pretty sour over. But nothing seemed to register as much as the mention of senseless violence. Killing in the name of God back in the old days (God doesn't exist, by the way. More on religion at a later time), wars for profit in this day and age, all the way down to killing someone for their shoes, it all seemed to sicken him. And I mean, he literally got pale. I don't think he could comprehend it, and he looked near tears a few times. Given the way these people seem to operate, I guess I can understand that.

And that's really what today was all about. After the dream last week, I'm sure Xavier went back and announced the news. I'm sure they were all beyond thrilled, but also probably realized that they weren't dealing with full fledged Omicrons anymore. So instead of just bringing in a fleet, announcing their presence, and expecting their brethren to welcome them back with open arms, they probably came to the wise conclusion that this would take some time. And effort. And I guess this is the first part of the effort. You all know where I am, and who I'm with. My purpose in this entire thing is that I'm a conduit. A bridge, between them, and you. Anyone back home with internet access can read this, and that's a pretty large potential audience. Whether you believe me or not is irrelevant. This is all very real, and at some point, a plan will be formulated to prove it. Don't take this caution we're using as reason to be afraid, because there's absolutely nothing to be frightened of. But let's face facts here, some people aren't going to particularly like this, no matter how good the intentions are. That's a pretty vague statement, but I'm sure a lot of you can figure it out by reading between the lines.

Again, I'm exhausted. Reciting the history of the world in one day isn't an easy thing to do. I'm gonna go take a dip in the ocean, queue me up some dinner (think I'll eat on the beach tonight, and watch the sunset), and then probably crash. Tomorrow, I think I'll put up a sort of FAQ, to answer some of the questions that I haven't addressed yet. I haven't received any questions, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. Whatever I know, I'll answer. Goodnight!

Day 2

5:47 pm Central Daylight Time, somewhere in the Alpha Centauri system, wherever that is..

I'm still coming to terms with everything I've absorbed in the past couple of days. Just got back from a 8 hour debriefing with Xavier at the beach. If it wasn't for the information I was being presented with, I would've been fixated on the water all day. As it was, I still gazed at it most of the time. I probably appeared distant and unattentive. I was paying attention alright, it's just hard to keep ones eyes off of such a spectacle. Shimmering blue crystal clear water. I saw whales, I saw dolphins, and I saw other things that I had never seen before. I'm pretty sure I saw a giant eagle (with no legs) jump out of the water a couple of hundred feet out, open it's span, and then glide quite a distance before plunging back into the depths. I'll probably research some marine biology on the terminal here after I finish up with today's entry.

I'm gonna go back to the beginning here. I obviously should've covered this yesterday, but I hope you can forgive the fact that my mind is a jumbled mess. The "beings" I'm with are called Omicrons. I quote "beings," just because of the simple fact that they're not from Earth. But appearance wise, they're human. 100%. They look exactly like we do. If I'm remembering Xavier right, the only physiological differences between us and them, are that their immune systems are far stronger than ours, that their aging process (and lifespan) is about 3 times longer than ours is, and that women only go through an ovulation cycle (and can only get pregnant) once every 10 years. They're also telepathic, if you consider that to be physiological, but they usually communicate by speech. I'll get to the telepathic stuff in a moment.

The Omicrons inhabit dozens of planets in our galaxy, spread out across multiple solar systems. We're heading for Omicron Persei VIII, as they call it, because that's where everyone on this ship is from. It's in the Persei system (makes sense), and I've been told that it'll take a couple of months to get there, give or take, depending on travel conditions.

Earth is known to the greater Omicron community as Omicron Epsilon III. Third planet of the Epsilon system, or our solar system in other words. Me, you, every human on Earth.... we're not human. We're Omicrons. This is where the details are gonna get scattered, because I probably won't remember everything I've heard yet (I blame it on my partying days), and I'll need some time to study. But long story short, Earth was scouted for possible inhabitation 5 billion years ago. About 4.8 billion years ago, it was inhabited. A fleet of ten thousand ships arrived. They brought along thousands of species of animals, and also various technologies, which would put anything on Earth today to shame. They built themselves a little paradise, and for hundreds of thousands of years, everything was shiny. But 2 billion years ago, a catastrophic system-wide event occured, wiping out almost every form of life, on every planet in the solar system. To this day, nobody knows what the event was. The Omicrons elsewhere were helpless to react, as whatever this event was, cut off all communications. It also made travel to the Epsilon system impossible. They never stopped trying though, and about, let's see here.... a week ago, they were finally able to make contact with somebody. For those of you with short attention spans, yes, that somebody would be me.

So how did it all go down? At the risk of sounding like a nutjob, they contacted me in a dream. In fact, it was Xavier. I couldn't tell you what I was dreaming about before, but I still vividly remember whatever it was being interrupted. This surfer looking guy wearing really weird clothes appearing out of nowhere. He seemed just as startled as I was for a second. Then he looked at me. His eyes bulged out, and his jaw dropped. Then he started crying. Practically bawling, actually. I asked him what was wrong, and he just said "We found you" over, and over again. I let him calm down (took about 5 minutes), and then I asked him what he meant by "they found me." He said, "Brother, you have no idea how long we've been waiting for this!" Again, I asked him what the hell he was talking about. He then apologized for being unprepared, and said that he would visit me again the next night. After he vanished, I woke up, thinking it was just another one of my strange dreams.

Obviously it wasn't, and he was back the next night. And every night beyond that, up until our actual meeting a couple of days ago. Each night, he had given me a little more information, and each night, he seemed more and more excited. He told me the story I just told you. I've been sort of cynical most of my life, not really trusting much of anything at it's face value. But for some reason, and I couldn't explain it at the time, I had absolutely no doubt that he was telling the truth. I've since recently learned that I've evolved into what they are, and I did the first moment I saw Xavier in that dream. In other words, I have telepathic capabilities. I can read their thoughts and intentions, just as they can read mine. I still find it very uncomfortable, as I've always been a rather private person. I don't like the idea of my thoughts being public domain. Luckily, everyone here has been pretty understanding of that, and aside from direct conversations, I haven't sensed the connection of another.

As it turns out, I didn't sleep a wink last night, so I'm going on nearly 4 days without. The only positive that comes out of that, is that my eyelids feel like they have 10 ton anvils on them right now, and I think I could probably fall asleep on the terrace here. So, I think I will. I know there's a lot more to cover, but it'll just have to wait until tomorrow.